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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Why is the gun 410-caliber in the U.S. called the "Garden shotgun?"

410-gauge (by inch up the system - 0.41 inches, according to the metric system - 10.4 mm) - the youngest of the smooth-bore caliber. On the classification accepted in Russia this caliber is between 36 and 37, that is E One pound of lead can be cast 36 spherical bullets of this caliber.

in any reference book says that the company began to manufacture Winchester cartridges of this caliber in 1934 This is not the case. Short cartridges with lead shot. 41 caliber pistols existed before. They called these guns "snake", they say, out of which the farmers were shot snakes. Gun gun more convenient, you can always carry with them a poisonous snake can occur anywhere, eg in the car. You will not, because of a snake to spoil the car shot the bullet that strikes right through him and, God forbid, will spoil a mechanism. Well, go on nimble snake bullet is also problematic. And here is a very fine soft shot - the result is very different. Pellets in the cartridge lot of metal, it does not break, and simply shoot at the target. At least one shot, but hit.

During the Great Depression of the rifle bullet caliber cartridge 0. 41 inches and a length of 70 mm (the one about which they write in the references) was released by Winchester as a cheaper substitute pricey rifled cartridge. 365 caliber rifle competition. For depression, depression, and people need more than bread and circuses. 410 caliber cartridge cost almost 4 times cheaper. 365 arms under him, because of the lack of rifled barrel, too expensive cost.

Next, a gun for this cartridge are positioned as "the ideal place for owners of large estates," because the range of a bullet from the barrel of 410-well beyond the classic shotgun, a rifle shot from a rifle, for example, a flock of ducks, A small-caliber shotgun successfully combines the advantage of a smooth barrel (shooting shot) or rifle (shooting a bullet at long distance).

In Russia, the guns of this caliber were produced en masse in the 90s of the 20th century. The most massive, "device" of this caliber in Russia - Saiga 410, says of him below.

What is the purpose. Hunting for small game hunting, self-defense, recreational shooting (plinking). And for the latest, "hunting" for cans, bottles, bricks and paper target, easy, accurate, with a small, comfortable recoil caliber 410 is most suitable.

Pros :

small, very comfortable return. It almost does not feel. Therefore, 410-th can be safely (without the quotes in the literal sense of the word) to use for long postrelushek. And also this caliber is good for women and children. In the West, self-defense guns of small caliber is called "home-gan" (homemade shotgun).

No wonder the 410 caliber rifle called the "kvazikarabinom." In a narrow hole pressure (ceteris paribus) is much higher, therefore, the range of a bullet (canister and shot too, but to a lesser extent) greatly exceeds the "classic" hunting calibers (12, 16, 20). Using the nozzle, "Paradox," which spins the bullet, the weapons do not in competition with any of a large-caliber guns. In addition, on a narrow bullet is less affected by rain, wind and other disturbing factors, therefore, the purpose is affected more precisely, especially in the long run.

In Russia, no need to wait 5 years as a license for the rifles.

On the hunt is less wounded game, as the number of fractions in the chuck in the 2-2. 5 times less than in the classic hunting rifles, but its rate is much higher and it flies on.

All things being equal caliber gun 410 is much easier to classical.

Saiga 410, the most common "device" 410 gauge in Russia is very similar to the Kalashnikov. Saiga 410K-2 generally is made from military AK-74. I mean a good bluff. Cool! Smoothbore similar to the American M-16 rifles generally available only under the 410-th round.

The relative cheapness of ammunition, if you do it yourself. The law is not allowed.

Weaknesses :

Dear ammunition. The same feature of Russia. Cost of production is lower than the 12th, and the cost is sometimes greater than twice! Yes, and a good buy, import the cartridge is not everywhere. The quality of the Russian ammo is also very unstable, "a bahnet one pshiknet, and in fact one of the pack" - a phrase from one of the gun forums. Only one solution to ensure uniform characteristics have to "twist the ammunition" itself. But there is also difficulty with the equipment for samosnaryazheniya too much strained.

As stated above, the 410-gun caliber should be lighter than other shotgun gauge. However, Russia is not the case, we always keep their own, incomprehensible way. For example, 410-e hunting rifles (except the Saiga-410) make the heavy pads on a 12-gauge, which the diameter is almost twice the 410-st. Mind of Russia does not understand...

Poor stopping power of light, flying at high speed bullet for self-defense distances (close range or even in the In this case it is better to use the big shot or buckshot. However, recently began to produce 410 caliber bullets with special self-defense expansive bullet, which is hitting the target, ivy, and does not break right through.

And now the answer to the question posed in the title. 410 caliber rifle is ideal for both "hunting" for starlings, pecking cherries in the garden, and in large animals such as foxes, or gilt, climbed into the garden. And at long distances only to 410-th caliber carbine rifle in competition with.

Tags: history of weapons, shooting, hunting, guns, invention

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