It all started long ago, when wild and unkempt apes suddenly for no apparent reason, and took the wiser. If the Bible, have tasted the fruit of the tree of knowledge. And that heaven is over.
After all, if you look, irrational animals live in paradise - no worries they have, no hassle... Ate, slept, what more do you want? When you do not realize that you badly, then you and not a bad thing. If you do not feel unhappy, you're not unhappy.
All of this comes with the realization of his position. For example, having finished the last piece, the person is full, but the idea that he would be there tomorrow, it may make him miserable. Animals such things do not clog your head and calmly digesting dinner, do not worry about tomorrow.
is difficult to say whether the man was to develop into some other creature, or the world would change, but one thing is certain - the fruit was broken ahead of time, and turned into the greatest blessing a curse.
Since then, a man constantly struggling svezhepriobretenny mind, the inherent high notions of Good and Evil with inherited inherited from the ancestors of the animal basis. However, it seems to mind was a very valuable acquisition, not in vain in most religions preached the primacy of spirit over flesh, over the rational instinct.
the devil, for example, is a personification of carnal, animal nature, the Holy Spirit, in turn, denies all the flesh at all. Even depict the Devil in the form of humanoid animals, but God is physical appearance, it seems, does not have any.
spiritual component encourages creativity, creation, development. This is what has been written about that "and He created man in His own image." Therefore, a person must be the result equal to the Creator, and to take its place next to Him in His kingdom. That is, get rid of the monkey, and a move to a qualitatively different level.
Yes, but that's a monkey, too, so it is easy to take the position does not intend to. Intelligence she resists, and very active. Yet millions of years of hopeless savagery are not easy to erase the memory of the gene.
So far all is well, a man fed-dressed, his spirit is maintained at a high level, something meaningful, dream, faith, purpose, aspirations, passions - the monkey sleeps peacefully and does not know about yourself gives
Another thing, when landmarks are lost in life, when the mind comes to a standstill, all around seems hopeless. Monkey wakes up, stretches and begins to crowd the mind. Usually it is not possible without outside help. But then comes to the aid of the man himself.
He himself, this creature dearer, sweeter, he promises to clear such simple pleasures - to eat, sleep, socialize with the opposite sex... Not that bore-mind, all he would work to think of some misunderstanding, and high.
And it all so simple: buy a bottle, lit up a bong, made a shot - and benefactress monkey on the loose! As if returned home, the Garden of Eden from which drove the evil and wicked mind.
The extent of control can be judged by the number of drunk-smoked in the world. And despite the fact that many people even do not need, just give in monkey, put the flesh, the physical pleasure above the spiritual, to abandon the way up, such a heavy and unpleasant. Where to live in peace just one day, enjoying simple pleasures of our common humanity.
It would seem that what's wrong? For the individual, perhaps, nothing. But such a person will live a life in vain, do not leave behind, and will sink into obscurity. Yes, and others to pull a carefree bliss of his existence.
And when the world comes the real test, Judgement, in one word: saved a strong, developed a civilization that will be something to counter the primitive instincts. Civilization is living consumption in the name of the saturation, the animal succumbed to the beginning, a chance to pass the test are not, they will have some kind of "hell fire".
So go to heaven is not so easy to get there and not everyone, but certainly those who fall... I would like to see who they will become... No, not people, super-powerful. And bored out there certainly will not.
Tags: spirituality, civilization, reason, humanity, people, development, animals, the future