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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

What is the miswak, or How to keep your teeth healthy?

As a young dentist, drill and toothache were to me something like "babayki" that all the scare, but it's really not. Nuts, however, is not chewed and cork with his teeth did not open, but the great diligence in the care of his teeth showed no cause for concern and did not see. As long as it was not necessary to remove the first tooth...

and I are now covered with cold sweat, thinking this "soviet" nightmare. A couple of months of pain, an unpleasant, but, in general, is tolerable. A couple of months and the fear of the drill bursts and the promise you tomorrow, here on Monday - is mandatory.

And then two days of pain, maddening. The two-hour queue, complacent doctor, devoid of even a shred of compassion, the complete absence of any anesthetic, and as a result - for three weeks of torment: doctor left unremoved piece of tooth, and while he did not Bend, the wound is not delayed.

All of this was enough to realize that your teeth - this is serious, should extinguish the fire in its infancy, and who got to the teeth can not keep away, to look for "their" dentist and the best "from God."

This dentist, I found and tried to make "his": Do not forget to bring gifts, extracted scarce brandy to the "red" dates, a blind eye to korobyaschy cynicism - just for the opportunity at the slightest hint of a problem to get immediate qualified All recommendations are fulfilled to the letter.

I have tried very hard. But still periodontitis could not be avoided. If anyone does not know, periodontitis - this is when the gums become inflamed, bleeding, tooth reacts to hot and cold, destroys enamel of the tooth tissue is thinner and there are "pockets" - subgingival cavity at the base, where the food is clogged The most lousy, that no, most thorough care to prevent periodontal disease is not - it appears as the result of an imbalance of internal organ systems. Disturbances in the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, even stress, will inevitably provoke periodontitis (it's almost a quote from "my" dentist).

And so on a regular basis, for several years, has to take place in spring and autumn course of injections. Injections in the gum - and a rather unpleasant event is painful, but it's the only way to keep periodontal disease. Comrades in misfortune, I have a lot. Go up to the office - sitting five or six, and resolves all in a matter of minutes: came - came, went - went out.

But this year, in late February, my friend persuaded me to go to the flea market. I must tell you that the flea market in our city deserves a separate story...

Perhaps today is our main attraction. Imagine a road, a kilometer in length by two, clogged, and people. On both sides of it are, going from one to another, markets. How many of them, knows only the administration. But there are about twenty. That's right. And each has its own specificity. In fact, at a flea market has everything, just need to know where to look.

Managed to park your car far away from your destination, had to go through the market for Islamic products.
- Look, miswak ! - Cried my friend. In response to my puzzled mine explained: medicinal plant for cleaning teeth.
- and toothpaste with miswak too. Let's take!

Since the tube with the widely advertised "Colgate" has ended, I was not particularly resisted.
I tried. The first impression is unpleasant, I do not like anise, and paste it gave explicit. But when the process is finished, the result is like: a feeling of freshness and teeth like polished. Though nothing special: pasta as pasta.

By May, I missed: Spring comes to an end, and the dentist I was not - did not need it!
It was then climbed to the Internet: What is it - an accident or miswak really help?
information was quite a lot. As it turned out, miswak, misvak, meswak, meshwak, mefaka, siwak, sewak - there are different spellings - the root or stem of a special tree Salvadora Persica, which grows in southern Asia and Africa.

It is also called mustard tree, a tree or toothbrushes.
If the tip of the rod-chew the root, it is split into fibers and acts as a toothbrush, getting into the cracks between the teeth, and organic and mineral matter (they are allocated more than 25), contained in the plant, polish the surface of the tooth Miswak whitens teeth, removes odor, prevents tooth decay.

And yet, write, and has more useful properties :
improves vision. The nerves that extend from the roots of the teeth, in one way or another connected with the neighboring parts of the human face.
a beneficial effect on the vocal cords.
contributes to the process of digestion in the stomach.
removes sluggishness of the body.

Raises the overall tone of a person. Is a plant known in the East for a long time, it is mentioned in the Quran. Brushing miswak is for followers of Islam Sunna (Arab. - A course of action, behavior, habit) , commanded the prophet Mohammed.

Toothpaste with miswak extract produced in India, UAE, Egypt. Is more efficient to use the paste does not, namely a stick. They were sold in vacuum-packed and is called natural toothbrushes.

This brush is very handy on the road - no need to carry a toothpaste, it can take with you to work, if the supposed romantic date night - the purity of breathing is provided.
Inspired by the information received, I hastened to present "his" wonder dentist brush and a tube of toothpaste. As far as I know, he was very actively use them. Only recommended for patients not in a hurry... do you think, why?

Tags: tips, toothbrush, dental, interesting fact, toothpaste, teeth, health

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