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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

How to tow a car breakdown on a flexible coupling?

Towing the car breakdown - one of the most difficult techniques. No wonder he devoted a separate (and twentieth) section of traffic (SDA). But sooner or later have to learn this technique to everyone.

One of the unwritten rules of the motorist said that if he saw parked at a roadside emergency gang Morgan car - must stop. Do not spare two or three minutes spent on this, stop and ask colleagues, not if he needed any help. And if you want, open the trunk and took out a tow bridle, or, as it is called Rules - flexible coupling. Or offer to do the same victim.

Just specify that the article is about towing it on a flexible coupling. Just because it is most often encountered in practice. And this is understandable. Most of those who may seem interested in this article, have a driver's category "." And towing method of partial loading, when used as a normal towing a car, hard to imagine. And as practically implement it...

No, theoretically it is possible. For the category "" fit and small truck chassis with a permissible maximum weight of up to 3500 kg. And if you really try, you can... You can pile it front of the towed vehicle and tow it that way. But this can be done with a special lifting equipment, which is on the track, as a rule, is not found. So in this situation, towing, in most cases, it is a flexible coupling, stockpiled (just in case! ) Almost every one of us. In contrast to the massive construction of a solid connection that, even if you really try, not everyone will be able to push the trunk.

So, we stopped at the car parked on the side of a faulty machine. It turned out that it needs to towing . What?

First of all, we must remember - in which cases prohibited towing a flexible coupling ? AP 20. 4 SDA prohibits to tow this way:

- in the ice;
- two or more vehicles;
- motorcycles without sidecar;
In the latter case, I think it possible to draw attention to the conjunction "or", which says that the SDA prohibits tow any vehicle, with at least one of these faults

If any of the circumstances specified in paragraph 20. 4 SDA, we have to be the only thing that can help injured colleague, is to give him the phone nearest tow truck. Although not. If you are parked at the curb two faulty car (in real life, almost does not occur), one of them you can take lift .

To this:

first. Make sure that the towbar car, which will have to be taken in tow. As well as the reliability of fastening the tow hook or earrings. For example, if there is close to where their attachment through rusting shells. If for any reason you do not like yourself towing hook or calls into question the reliability of fastening hooks or earrings, do not tempt fate, drive in the direction of a false sense of embarrassment - refuse hauling and tell a colleague to call tow truck.

second. As a general rule the rope tow from the trunk gets towed. But if you for some reason it is not appropriate (for example, the proposed tether previously was torn in several places, as eloquently tightened knots on it, or its length is greater (less) than the recommended standards), again - do not be shy

Kohl are talking about the length of the umbilical cord, I recall that he must be at least four and no longer than six feet . If the flexible coupling is shorter in the case of inhibition significantly increases the risk that the towed vehicle may not have enough stopping distance and he "vedet" in the back of your car. Too long tether allows the towed vehicle considerably deviate from the path of your movement. Accordingly, in turn, he can jump to the side (on which very close to the cell), or into oncoming traffic. And that, and another, under certain circumstances, may cause crash.

third. Secure mounting flexible couplings. Given our own experience, I think that is mounted tether increases, if allowed to pass through the hook or shackle the towed vehicle and tow rifle mounted on the part of the umbilical cord, which goes to the towing machine. In this case the resulting loop should be tightened on the hook, or earrings.

Fourth. Do not forget to negotiate with towed on signs warning. For example, if it is often the "blinking" lights, it means that he was having some difficulties and he asked to stop. If you raise your right hand, you will soon slow down. Just in case interchange mobile phone numbers. It is possible that on a straight part of the track some of you will be able to use this method of emergency communication.

Fifth. Before the beginning of the movement do not hesitate to ask a colleague whether he had gone to "tie", and if he has no experience of this, warning that at the idle motor hydraulic brake system requires much more effort when you press the brake pedal Make sure the steering wheel to avoid jamming the key in the ignition and turn the car towed there. In cold weather or rainy weather window of the driver in the car must be towed ajar . In this case, the window will not fog up from the inside and, therefore, a person who is at its wheel, not "blind."

Sixth. Note that the stove in the towed car does not work. Her driver in the cold season (or days) should dress warmly. If you have an extra sweater - give it to a colleague. Gloves also will not be superfluous. Have agreed that as soon as the driver will be towed to freeze, he signaled to you about this. You to stop and he warmed up a bit in your car.

Seventh. Emergency lighting should be included on the towed vehicle. V towing it is operating normally, and towed to, and all other road users can see what you're going to make the maneuver (right, left turn, braking), and adjust their actions in advance.

Eighth. Accelerates, of the towing vehicle shall be to smooth, jerk-free. Braking - well in advance and not sharp. The maximum speed - up to 50 km /h (see paragraph 10. 4 SDA). It does not matter where you are - on the track or in the village. And if you have limitations - it is desirable to reduce the speed limit a little bit. Km to 5.10 with respect to the parameters entered as road signs. The lower your speed, the more time the driver's car towed out to assess the situation and make the right decision and implement it.

As the old driver's wisdom - the best two hours after being home than half an hour earlier - at the morgue. But let's hope that following the rules, which I have just described, to avoid any trouble was when towing a car breakdown.

And not to stand on the sidelines, blinking emergency gang guilty, before a long journey familiar to get the car repairmen. Let them look it carefully. Superfluous it will not be...

Tags: tips, road conditions, cars, traffic, help, breaking the driver

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